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Thursday, August 26, 2004

ABC News Breaks The Convention Agreement

   By Emelius at 2:06 PM

Last month for the Democratic Convention, all of the networks played by the rules by agreeing to show only 1 hour of coverage for 3 of 4 nights. As you may remember, they failed to cover Tuesday night and the speech of Barak Obama. We were all told they would do the same thing for the Republican Convention. Well it seems that since the speaker line up has been announced, that ABC is going back on it's word. During Monday Night Football, ABC is planning on covering the convention during halftime and highlight the John McCain speech. It seems to me as though they are deciding who is more important and not letting the American people choose. This is the exact reason why we asked that the whole conventionn be covered for 3 hours on all 4 nights. Now we have an equal time problem. It is too late to correct the matter for the DemCon and it is not fair to do it with the NeoCon. Now you can bitch in our comment box or channel, or you can email ABC News via their feedback form and tell them not to show the convention on Monday night. In the words of Billie Jean, "Fair is fair!"


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