Mike Malloy makes an announcement on AAR website
By buttersquash at 12:38 AM
This post appeared on the front page of the Air America website
in a Zorro-like move by Malloy.
The Peter Werbe Show
Weekdays 10pm-Midnight EST w/ host Peter Werbe
Hi. Malloy here. It’s Monday, September
18, 2006. Well, it’s been almost three
weeks since we were fired by the
really, really strange pod-people who
have temporarily taken over Air
America. Tonight’s program will be
hosted by my good friend Peter Werbe.
Not sure what he’s talking about
tonight, but do tune in. If you’re
wondering how we’re writing and posting
this mini-blog it’s simply because the
airheads in Air America’s executive
suites – the pod-people mentioned above
– are too, um, stupid to figure out how
to handle their own website access.The door’s wide open. Well, eventually
their bodies will start to react to
Earth atmosphere and they’ll have to
leave. Meantime, Mike and Kathy here
saying, stay tuned!
Hope to be hearing from you soon, Mike. Sorry AAR corporate
are a bunch of jackasses and imbeciles.